Being underweight or being overweight is an indication of poor health of any living being and same is true for our feline cats. Most of the times fatty cat is the problem but sudden weight loss in them is of concern. Though weight loss in cats is not as common as weight gain, it could have several health impacts. Health body weight is important when you are considering pet care aspects. Basically, why such weight loss occurs?  

Important causes of weight loss in cats:

Some health issues in cat can lead to loss of appetite or anorexia which can cause weight loss in them. But it is important that you take it to the vet doctor when you observe even a little weight reduction in them.

Stress, depression and anxiety:  There are some situations such as excessive noise, fighting with other animals or dirty food bowls which can create psychological stress in your pets. This stress makes cat to lose weight.

Diabetes: This hormonal disease makes cat drink more water and urinate more often. This makes them more sluggish and also reduces their appetite. 
Gastrointestinal issues: Gastrointestinal problems in cats mainly include food poisoning, inflammatory bowel disease and food allergies. It causes diarrhea or loss of appetite due to which weight loss is quite obvious.

Cancer: Though it is not quite common for weight loss in cats it can be an important culprit.

Intestinal parasites or worms can pose problems such as diarrhea or bloating which will make your cat weak.  

Toothache is another health issue which does not let your cat eat to the fullest due to pain.

Old age cats are more susceptible to weight loss due their deteriorating health which consists of many health problems.

Now as you know the causes of weight loss, take the steps to cure it. Healthy cat food will help them achieve lost weight. You can buy cat food treats such as Whiskas Tuna & White Fish online at IndianPetStore in a hassle free manner.

When a cat develops allergy it becomes very sensitive to almost every food. It becomes very choosy in having most types of food. The reason behind this is certain food may aggravate its situation and thus its body develops a natural resistance towards having such food. Apart from food the cat may be allergic to certain other things as well. When the cat’s body tries to get rid of these substance it develops types of symptoms which shows up in the following manner.
  • Swollen paws and the pet keeps chewing its paws all day long
  • Excessive vomiting and diarrhea
  • The pet continuously itches its skin which is accompanied with redness and wounds
  • Running itching nose and eyes
  • Back of the tail itches and there is redness over that area
  • Inflamed throat that causes snoring
  • Intense coughing, wheezing and sneezing
What to do when the cat has allergy?

In case the cat has developed certain type of allergy then it is suggested to take the pet to the vet immediately. Other than this always ask the vet to  provide you with the list of things that has caused allergy to your cat, you will be able to take proper prevention after you know these facts.

Other things that causes allergy in cats

Proper pet care is possible only when the cat is being protected by these following things
  • Food that cause allergy in cats (ask the vet for this)
  • Plastic and rubber material
  • Grass, tree, mold, weed, dust pollens and mildew
  • Tick and flea control products
  • Certain prescription drugs
  • Perfume
  • Fabric
  • Perfume
  • Cleaning products
Cat allergy is a preventable situation and one must take proper measure for the same.